Linux Mint 20 is 64-bit only


Since the EOL (end of life) of Windows 7, Linux Mint has been the go-to operating system for most who would prefer not to purchase another of Windows operating systems, namely the clunky and albeit ever-so-buggy Windows 10.

For those who aren’t readily familiar with Mint, you might describe it as a cross between Windows XP and Windows 7, but without all of the associated drama that the Windows operating systems have become so known for over the years.

Linux Mint is great operating system. It is based on the excellent Ubuntu and features three great desktop environment options — Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce. While it is a smart choice for Linux beginners, it is also good for experts too.

Today, we learn some new details about the upcoming Linux Mint 20. While most of the newly revealed information is positive, there is one thing that is sure to upset many Linux Mint users.

First things first, Linux Mint 20 will be based on the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as Mint only uses Long Term Support versions of Ubuntu, and 20.04 will be an LTS. We also now know the name of Linux Mint 20. The Mint team always uses female names, and this time they chose “Ulyana.” This is apparently a Russian name meaning “youthful.”

So far, all of the news is positive, so what exactly will upset some users? The Linux Mint developers are finally dropping 32-bit support and will only produce 64-bit ISOs. In 2020, this is definitely the right move, but it will certainly upset those that are still holding onto aging 32-bit computers.

Are you a Linux Mint user? Are you excited for the upcoming Linux Mint 20 Ulyana? Are you upset that 32-bit support is being dropped? Please tell me in the comments bellow.


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