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Pan-Fried Trout (for camp or kitchen)

To prepare fresh brook or other pan-sized trout, clean and scale if necessary, soak in salted water for 1/2 hour to remove film from fish. Rinse thoroughly and remove head (optional). Dry. Dip in beaten egg and roll in rich cracker crumbs sprinkled with seasoning salt. Fry in hot fat. When golden brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. Turn only once.
These are especially good, fresh caught, cooked over a campfire in a heavy skillet, using the grease from fried bacon strips. Fire should be hot but not flaming so fish will not cook too fast or burn. Cook only until they flake easily when tested.
Top with crisp bacon.

J. McGrath

Note: Here is a good accompaniment for pan-fried fish when not using bacon for frying. Sauté chopped green onions with fresh or canned mushrooms in butter. Add a little sherry or white wine and heat. Do not boil. Serve with fish for brunch, along with minted fresh fruit and blueberry muffins.

Montana Special


3 pounds venison roast
1 good-sized onion
1 can tomatoes, no. 303
1 cup water
1 can tomato hot sauce
garlic salt
oil or shortening


Trim the roast of fat and bad spots. Cut the roast as thin as possible. Sprinkle salt, pepper and garlic both sides of each piece of the roast. Then flour both sides. Use enough oil or shortening to cover the bottom of fry pan. Heat, brown on both sides. Put the pieces in a roaster or covered pan. Put the rest of the ingredients over the top the roast and bake in the oven at 300° for about 3 hours or until done. Take the meat out and use the rest for gravy.

Serves 10 to 12.

Mrs. J. Denton

Mrs. Denton’s recipe won first prize in the Wild Game Cooking section of the Montana Standard recipe contest several years ago.

White Sulphur Springs, Montana (a short history)

Meagher County was one of the original counties in Montana and encompassed the majority of central Montana. White Sulphur Springs, the county seat, was named for the white deposits around the hot sulphur springs in the area. The Indians came to the area for the benefits of the “medical waters”. They were also able to hunt and gather food throughout the area. Remnants of teepee rings can be found still today.

James Brewer’s first cabin in the Smith River Valley, at a spot later call Trinity Springs, was the only house on the East Side of the Belt Mountain Range or east of Diamond City. Flathead Indians told him of the “hottest white Sulphur springs” close by, and it was to this spot that Brewer then moved. By 1872 he had constructed a bathhouse with three single bathrooms and one 12′ X 12′ plunge. Baths cost 75 cents-whiskey was extra. The hotel a short distance to the north was made up of a cluster of individual cabins, all constructed of logs with dirt roofs. Guests came from the Missouri Valley, Helena, Ft. Benton and Camp Baker.

In 1876, James Brewer sold 50 percent of his holdings to Dr. Parberry who later acquired the remainder. Postal service was established in that year and “Brewer’s Springs” became “White Sulphur Springs,” by order of the Post Office Department after Brewer’s sale to Parberry. Parberry’s townsite was located in 1878. Two years later, White Sulphur Springs replaced Diamond City as the county seat.

The county seat had a population of 800 people and listed 218 taxpayers in 1898. Jonas Higgins once said of the town that “business is conducted by one large store, two drug stores, two drug livery stables, one harness shop, one meat market, a saloon or two and then some, a good newspaper and two first class banks.”

Mineral water was at one time bottled for shipment to many parts of the United States by the Montana Mineral Water Company. Indians roaming through the county were the first to recognize the medicinal value of the springs. They would stop to bathe in the “Wampum Waters” (Wampum translates roughly as “good” or “beneficial”.) Many tribes, including the Flathead, Blackfeet and Crow, came here to use these waters to heal their sick. Since some were warring tribes, a form of truce was worked out and this valley became a neutral ground, a Valley of Peace. It was permissible to kill your enemy on the other side of the mountains, but not here. Here you had to co-exist, be peaceful, and share the healing waters.


Dirk Benedict (born Dirk Niewoehner) is an American movie, television and stage actor, perhaps best known for playing the characters Lt. Templeton “The Faceman” Peck in The A-Team television series and Lieutenant Starbuck in the original Battlestar Galactica movie and television series. He was born in Helena, Montana, and grew up in White Sulphur Springs, Montana.

The Trump Accountability Project is closed — No more lists, at least for now

Conservatives ridiculed backers of Joseph R. Biden’s for launching a campaign to cancel people who worked for President Trump by denying them post-government employment. On social media, Trump supporters invoked the names of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, men who brutally suppressed opponents.

Neither the website nor its Twitter page disclosed its organizers. But former Obama and Clinton officials urged liberals to join.

Hari Sevugan, former spokesman for the Barack Obama campaign, was quoted as saying,

“Employers considering them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values.”

According to the The Trump Accountability Project:

“We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda. Those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart.”

At the end of the day, many Trump supporters seemed somewhat baffled at how they supposedly subverted democracy. Mr. Trump‘s agenda included tax cuts and fewer regulations. He remained accessible to a hostile media. Unlike his predecessors, he has moved against few press leakers and refrained from entering new wars.

The Libertarian Party appears to be gaining ground in 2020

Libertarians believe in the goodness of people. Libertarians believe that all people are endowed by their creator with natural rights, including the rights of life, liberty, and property. The ultimate goal of the Libertarian Party is to achieve a social structure in which initiatory coercive force is illegal.

According to the Libertarian:

For the 2020 election cycle, Presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen has over 1,788,000 votes, which is the second-best showing for an LP presidential candidate, following Gary Johnson’s performance in 2016.

Indiana LP candidate for Governor Donald Rainwater received 11.4% of the vote, the second-best ever for an LP gubernatorial candidate, behind Dick Randolph who got 14.9% in Alaska in 1982.

Ricky Harrington, running for the US Senate in Arkansas against Republican incumbent Tom Cotton, got 33.3% of the vote, the best ever result for a federal candidate, besting Joel Balam’s 31.5 in the Kansas third congressional district race in 2012.

Preston Nelson finished with 29% of the vote in his race for the Illinois 8th congressional district, tying Joe Miller of Alaska for third-best ever for a federal candidate. Mr. Miller received 29% in his 2016 US Senate race in Alaska.

In West Virginia, candidate for Governor Erika Kolenich received 2.9% of the vote, securing ballot access for another four years. And in Wyoming, Richard Brubaker, running for the US House seat, also received 3%, retaining ballot access for two more years. The New Mexico LP retained major party status, as Stephen Curtis, running for position 2 for Judge of the Court of Appeals got 7% of the vote.

If some of these numbers sound small to you, and you’re somehow convinced that there just isn’t any way to beat the Democrats or Republicans, it might be important to remember that President Lincoln only got 32% of the popular vote running on a 4th party platform. That’s all it took to turn things around back in 1861.