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Sloppy Joe Casserole


1 lb cooked extra lean ground beef
1 cup diced onions
1 can of Sloppy Joe sauce (Manwich)
2/3 cup light shredded mozzarella cheese
1 7 1/2 oz can of Pillsbury biscuits (In the 4 value pack, you can use bigger biscuits and weigh out or increase points)
1 1/2 Tbsp melted reduced calorie margarine
2 cloves fresh garlic, diced
1 tsp dried oregano


Cook your ground beef and onions on the stove in a pan, drain.
Preheat oven to 350F, spray a 9 inch square dish.
Add your sauce to your meat and simmer on low for 5 minutes, stirring well.
Pour meat mixture into your dish, top with cheese.
Place 9 of your 10 biscuit dough pieces on top of mixture, you will have 1 extra biscuit.
Bake in oven for 14 minutes.
Just before the time is up, melt margarine and add diced garlic and oregano.
Remove dish from oven and using a small spoon, drizzle your garlic butter over top of all your biscuits.
Return to oven for 6-8 minutes, until your biscuits are a golden brown.
Makes 9 servings

Kate’s Ag – Montana red winter wheat harvest 2023

Back in the late ’70’s early ’80’s I had the opportunity to cut wheat in Kansas and Nebraska. At the time I was somewhat surprised to be assigned a new Gleaner N7 equipped with an AC 24′ header. That usually didn’t happen with somebody my age back in the day, as younger folks were usually assigned to much older equipment.

I may not have realized it at the time, but upon looking back, I really learned a lot about dry-land farming back in those days. All we ever did was straight cut back in Kansas, sometimes nearly dogging the header into the ground to get wheat that might have been laid lower by the wind.

In the video below:

Kate explains the differences between swathing and straight cutting wheat (among some other things). It’s a great video and I hope you enjoy it.

Working the harvest is something that I think more young people should try at least once in their lifetime. The rewards far outweigh the heat and the occasional equipment breakdowns.

More about Kate:

According to her site, Kate Stephens, is a 19-year-old 4th-generation Montana farmer. Her family has been farming wheat in north-central Montana since her great-grandfather immigrated from Denmark in 1912 and homesteaded north of Great Falls.

Her family has been teaching her about farming since she was two years old. She operates one of the combines on the farm at harvest.

She also believes that it is important for everyone to know where their food comes from and the families who produce it.
She loves her farm, and hopes that her Farm to Fashion and Farm to Table products can help educate people about where their food comes from in a fun way.

You can catch up with Kate:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kates_ag/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katesag

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kates_ag/

You can also grab your very own Kate’s Ag Tote Bag or Kate’s Ag 100% Cotton Grown in the U.S.A. T-Shirt by visiting her website: https://www.katesag.com

If you have a farm that you would like Kate to feature, you are encouraged to contact her at: info@katesag.com

Thanks for the read.

Happy Trails

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be the nice guy

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be the nice guy, according to a University of Guelph study.

Ask anyone who they might prefer to work with, nice guys or bullies, and you’ll get a fast and certain reply — just about everyone will say that they prefer to share an office with kindhearted and positive people.

That’s what people say, anyway.

Highly cooperative and generous people can attract hatred and social punishment, especially in competitive circumstances, the research found.

The study, conducted by professor Pat Barclay and undergraduate student Aleta Pleasant, is published in Psychological Science.

Sometimes what people claim to want and how they actually behave can be completely at odds. While everyone praises kindness and cooperation, exceptionally nice people often find their good deeds met with nastiness, ridicule, exploitation, and backstabbing.

Why do you suppose that is?

You could conclude (not entirely without foundation) that humans are sometimes nasty, hypocritical creatures, but according to the study, the reason our stated ideals and our real-life actions fail to match up is more complicated than that. Being cooperative and nice, the research found, can actually come across as threatening.

Highly cooperative and generous people can make others look bad

Psychology professor Pat Barclay and his collaborators discovered, when they brought study subjects into the lab to play a series of economic games, that things are different when a real-life person starts playing the role of being cooperative and generous. Exceptionally generous and hard-working colleagues make those around them look bad. Their super-kindness and productivity challenge other employees to perform at the same level, and that can stir up nasty reactions, the researchers found.

“Most of the time, we like the cooperators, the good guys,” Barclay commented, but when people find themselves in competitive environments such as many offices have, the script flips. “People will hate on the really good guys. This pattern has been found in every culture in which it has been looked at.” In particularly tough environments, people will attack an exceptionally nice, hard working person, even if doing so harms the group as a whole.

While Barclay’s research wasn’t designed to suggest real-world strategies for those impacted by this nasty human tendency to punish the exceptionally nice, he does have some suggestions.

“It might help to turn the tables on the criticizers: Point out that they’re just attacking to prevent themselves from looking bad” was his first suggestion. But the best solution may be even more straightforward: Don’t put yourself in situations where you have to work with terrible people.

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be the nice guy — “Perhaps the best solution is to just find better associates. If you’re being criticized for being too nice or for working too hard, then go find others who are just as nice and hard working as you. When cooperative people work with one another, they end up much better off than their critics,” Barclay advises.

According to Barclay’s study. There is a real, scientifically validated reason that being extra good can sometimes bring out the worst in people. That shouldn’t stop you from being who you are at work, but it should make you more careful about whom you spend your kindness on.

Pat Barclay - Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be the nice guyPat Barclay is an evolutionary psychologist whose research combines the fields of evolutionary biology, animal behavior, social psychology, mathematical game theory, and experimental economics to study topics such as: cooperation, altruism, reputation, punishment, friendship, partner choice, trust, biological markets, costly signaling, and risk-taking.

4B’s old fashioned Cream of Tomato soup

4B’s old fashioned Cream of Tomato Soup could be considered the stuff of legend.
Every morning at 5:30 AM back in the day, I would stop in at the 4B’s restaurant on the corner of Brooks and Reserve street in Missoula for coffee.

Nearly every Friday afternoon I would stop in at that location for a bite to eat before heading home after work. In the winter I would settle in for a bowl of 4B’s old fashioned Cream of Tomato Soup.
The soup was so good and at the time I never thought to ask for the recipe — I just ordered it up along with a burger or a sandwich and that was that.

Along about the year 2007 4B’s had decided to go out of business and were looking to sell their locations. Town Pump stepped in and bought the 4B’s brand along with all of the property they owned outright.

Some 4B’s restaurant locations were closed permanently so it’s footprint in the state was greatly reduced.

4B’s old fashioned Tomato Soup however still lives on, as legends often do, with the remaining 4B’s restaurants and other places across the internet by way of the simple recipes for it.

The recipe for 4B’s old fashioned Tomato Soup is public information (as 4B’s originally wanted) so I’ve taken the time to write the recipe down below.



32 ounces tomatoes (canned and diced)
9 ounces chicken broth
1 ounce butter
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon chopped onion
1 pinch baking soda
2 cups cream


Mix tomatoes, chicken broth, butter, sugar, onions and soda.
Simmer over low heat for 1 hour.
Heat cream in a double boiler.
Add cream to hot tomato mixture and serve.


You can use coffee creamer or half and half in place of the cream for the most authentic flavor.

After 2007 many of our 4B’s restaurants closed down. One of the hallmarks of our 4B’s experience was the 4B’s Old Fashioned Cream of Tomato Soup shown above.
Our 4B’s restaurant here in Great Falls, Montana still serves the original 4B’s tomato soup recipe.

nutritional data points:

145 calories, 12 grams fat, 7 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams protein per serving. This recipe is low in carbs.

4B's old fashioned Cream of Tomato Soup recipe
4B’s old fashioned Cream of Tomato Soup recipe

Stopped in to the old standby for a snack

4B’s was somewhat of a mainstay here in Montana for quite literally years, and depending on where you lived in the state it seemed that there was one on every corner.

I think Missoula had the highest concentration of 4B’s restaurants scattered about town.

Recently after attending the Independence Day parade, we all piled into the car and headed for 4B’s on the east end of town for a snack.

When I lived in Missoula, 4B’s was the go-to every morning for coffee. 4B’s had the best coffee.

The 4B’s here in town still serves up the original menu.

4B's bacon cheeseburger with fries
4B’s bacon cheeseburger with fries (tap or click image to enlarge)

When we stopped in at our 4B’s, we all ordered the bacon cheeseburger w/fries — Wife and Son order Pepsi and Dr Pepper with 4B’s free refills and I settled for the great coffee that 4B’s is so known for.

4B’s had been owned and operated by the Hainline family from 1947 until 2007 — Bill Hainline opened the first 4B’s in Missoula in 1947. The four Bs were Bill, Barbara (his wife), Bill Junior (son) and Barbara (daughter).

Various interests like Star Buffet Inc. out of Scottsdale Arizona and Town Pump out of Montana have picked up continuing operations of the restaurant chain since about 2007. The Great Falls location is owned by Town Pump and still serves up the original 4B’s menu, including their much sought after tomato soup.

There was a time in the not-so-distant past that 4B’s garnered pretty much the same kind of name recognition in the state that Town Pump enjoys today.

In the world of national franchises like McDonald’s and Burger King, Montana sort of liked to hold it’s own with regard to places like 4B’s and Town Pump.

Places like 4B’s and Town Pump were or are so well recognized that upon returning from an out-of-state road trip you know you’re home the minute you see the sign.

Town Pump owned 4B's locations
Town Pump owned 4B’s locations (tap or click to enlarge image)

4B’s was such a prominent Montana fixture that I used to know where all of the restaurants were whenever I traveled about the state. These days however, I’m not so sure where they all are. When the big shuffle started around 2007 many restaurants were closed or sold off to others. I know that Helena used to have two 4B’s restaurants and I think that the Libby location was shut as well but reopened at some point.

4B’s still has a presence in the state as the map shows. Since this photo of the map was taken at our Town Pump owned 4B’s location, I’m guessing that the locations presented on the map are just the locations that Town Pump owns. There may be other locations owned by others that aren’t shown on the map.

Our visit to our local 4B’s was a pleasant one — Crowded as usual with a big friendly gnarly biker dude waiting on us. The food came out fairly quickly and was hot off the grill just like always.

If you’re in our area and would be so inclined, you can visit our local 4B’s at 4610 10th Ave S — (406) 727-3366

As is most always the case, you may have to wait your turn to be seated — No worries though, as the wait is often times well worth it.

Hey Montana folks — Do you still have a 4B’s in your town? If you do, tell us about it in the comments below.


Town Pump Adds to Its Portfolio

Town Pump, headquartered in Butte, Montana was founded in 1953, and stepped up to help keep the 4B’s brand (headquartered in Missoula, Montana founded in 1947) alive into the future.

The restaurant at the Prime Time casino in Great Falls, which was operated by 4Bs, closed on May 5 2007. The stand-alone 4B’s location at 4610 10th Ave S here in town remained open and has continued to operate to this day

Montanans helping Montanans