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Monarch-Neihart Community and Senior Center Projects

The Monarch-Neihart Community and Senior Center has projects ongoing that are necessary for it’s continued service to the community.

Things like exterior window replacement, roof repair, and ramp/sidewalk repair are just a few of the things that need to be done. See the website for all that needs to be done along with the associated costs of each project.

Donations to help with these projects are gleefully accepted through Pay-Pal and you can specify which project(s) you’d like to support. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP36DWFM2H66A

Also, on the first Sunday of every month, the Monarch-Neihart Community and Senior Center has Sunday Breakfast (8am-11am) all you can eat for 10 bucks — Join them for french toast, pancakes, sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, and unlimited coffee, and don’t forget to check out their Rummage Rooms down the hall.

For more information on how to become more involved or to keep up-to-date on future events, please call 406-236-5998 or write to admin@monarchneihartseniorcenter.org.

Understanding the societal and health implications of Rumors and Gossip

Understanding the societal and health implications of Rumors and Gossip

Gossip has become so ingrained in our society that most rarely recognize it as something that can be damaging and most engage in it without even realizing it.

Idle talk (gossip) has become so subtle in some various certain circles that one might find themselves asking, “Is it even possible to avoid gossip?”

Before we answer that question, let’s first point out a few things that spreading gossip can do:

First, spreading gossip can damage a person’s reputation, causing them emotional distress and potential social consequences. This can lead to isolation, loss of relationships, or harm to their personal and professional life.

Secondly, gossip often involves exaggerations, distortions, or outright false information, which can negatively impact the perception and judgment of others. This can lead to unfair judgments, prejudice, and discrimination towards the person being gossiped about.

Lastly, participating in gossip can create a toxic and negative social environment, eroding trust and fostering a culture of backbiting and negativity. Overall, gossip can have serious and harmful consequences for individuals and communities.

Is it even possible to avoid gossip? The answer is yes. — Here are a few tips to make avoiding gossip possible:

Mind your own business:

Focus on your own life, work, and goals rather than getting caught up in the drama of gossip.

Stay away from gossip-prone environments:

Avoid places or situations where gossip tends to thrive, such as gossip-filled social circles or negative workplace environments.

Change the subject:

If someone tries to engage you in gossip, politely redirect the conversation to more positive or neutral topics.

Be mindful of what you say:

Refrain from spreading or participating in gossip yourself. Practice being considerate and respectful in your words and actions.

Surround yourself with positive influences:

Choose to spend time with people who value and promote healthy, supportive conversations instead of gossip.

Focus on building strong relationships:

Cultivate meaningful connections based on trust, mutual respect, and open communication. This can help create an atmosphere where gossip is less likely to occur.

Lead by example:

Show others that gossip is not necessary or beneficial by refusing to participate and steering conversations towards more constructive and uplifting subjects.

Remember, avoiding gossip is a personal choice, and it may require consistent effort and self-awareness to maintain.

Understanding the health implications Rumors and Gossip:

Gossip can have various negative health impacts on both the person being gossiped about and the individuals engaging in gossip.

Here are some potential health impacts:

Emotional stress:

Gossip often involves spreading rumors, making judgments, or discussing personal details about others, which can lead to increased stress levels. The person being gossiped about may experience feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, or anxiety, which can negatively impact their emotional well-being.

Mental health issues:

For the person being gossiped about, constant exposure to rumors or negative comments can have detrimental effects on their mental health. It may lead to feelings of low self-esteem, depression, or social isolation.

Trust and relationship damage:

Engaging in gossip can erode trust and damage relationships, both between the individuals involved in gossip and others who witness it. Trust is a vital component of healthy relationships, and when gossip becomes prevalent, it can impact the overall social and emotional health of individuals involved.

Increased conflict:

Gossip has the potential to create conflicts and tensions among social groups. This can lead to increased arguments, resentment, and hostility, which in turn can negatively impact the mental and emotional well-being of individuals involved.

Negativity and toxic environment:

A gossip-filled environment tends to foster negativity, hostility, and toxicity. Constant exposure to such an atmosphere can have adverse effects on mental health, as it becomes difficult to maintain a positive mindset or focus on personal growth.

Physical health consequences:

Prolonged exposure to stress caused by gossip may have physical health implications. High levels of stress have been linked to various health problems, including increased blood pressure, weakened immune system, digestive disorders, and cardiovascular issues.

It is important to remember that gossiping is not only harmful to others but also to the individuals engaging in it. By promoting positive communication and fostering empathy, individuals can contribute to a healthier social environment and well-being for themselves and others.

Who doesn’t love a good road trip?

Who doesn’t love a good road trip?

Taking road trips has always been sort of a thing with us. I’m always up for a road trip, whether it be going to Shelby for pie and coffee, or going to White Sulphur Springs for a burger.

My road trips rarely go straight there or straight back. For instance … I’ll loop around through White Sulphur Springs to Bozeman, and from Bozeman to Three Forks .. up to Helena, and back again to Great Falls.

If you aren’t up for those 8 hour long road trips, you can always settle in with an hour or two of just exploring all of the cool back roads around your city or county.

You don’t have to have a specific reason for going on a road trip. You can do what we do .. we just load up and head out.

Listed below are a ton of reasons why you might want to just jump into the car or truck and just go … on a road trip.

Road trips can be good for you in many ways:

Exploration and adventure:

Road trips allow you to explore new places, experience different landscapes, and discover hidden gems along the way. This sense of adventure can boost your mood and provide a break from your routine.

Bonding with others:

Traveling with friends, family, or loved ones on a road trip can be a great opportunity to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories. Spending extended time together, engaging in conversations, and sharing experiences can deepen your relationships.

Stress relief:

Getting away from the demands of everyday life and hitting the open road can be a great way to relieve stress and unwind. The change in environment, fresh air, and scenic views can help relax your mind and boost your overall well-being.

Flexibility and freedom:

Road trips allow you to set your own pace and have the flexibility to stop wherever you’d like along the way. This freedom gives you the chance to explore spontaneous detours, visit roadside attractions, or simply pause and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Self-discovery and personal growth:

Road trips can provide solitude, allowing you to reflect, introspect, and get in touch with yourself. This time alone can lead to self-discovery, personal growth, and gaining a fresh perspective on life.

Exposure to new cultures and experiences:

Road trips often involve traveling through different towns, cities, and regions. This exposure to diverse cultures, cuisines, traditions, and people can enhance your understanding of the world and broaden your horizons.

Enhanced problem-solving skills:

Road trips can present unexpected challenges like navigating unfamiliar roads, vehicle issues, or last-minute changes in plans. Dealing with these situations can help improve your problem-solving skills and boost your confidence in handling unforeseen circumstances.

Overall, road trips provide an opportunity for adventure, relaxation, personal growth, and building connections with others. However, it’s important to plan responsibly, prioritize safety, and ensure you take breaks during long drives to make the experience enjoyable and beneficial for your health.

What are some of the routes you take when you go on a road trip?

Sound off in the comments below.

Thanks for the read.

Happy Trails … and road tripping

ChatGPT topples Joe Biden’s ‘House of Cards’

Originally published by Frank Miele — August 28, 2023

It occurred to me recently that the increasingly labyrinthine revelations of Joe Biden’s involvement in corrupt dealings with his son Hunter would make a good Netflix TV series, possibly called “The Family Business” or less subtly “The Big Guy and Me.”

But then I realized that Netflix had already made the show in 2013 and called it “House of Cards.” The manipulative, deceitful politician Frank Underwood at the center of the plot was an 11-term South Carolina congressman, whereas Biden was a 36-year senator from Delaware. But both are Democrats who came from humble beginnings and were unexpectedly elevated to the vice presidency, and then scratched their way into the White House. And though Underwood seems outwardly to be a caring, compassionate man, in fact, he is a self-serving, scheming politician, much like what we have learned about Joe Biden from Hunter’s laptop, several congressional investigations, and the reporting of John Solomon and others.

If you don’t know about Joe’s self-enrichment scheme, check out this article from Fox News as a primer. Bribery, money laundering, obstruction of justice, tax evasion and more. Of course, the Democratic Party and their allies in the mainstream media tell a different story. To get a sense of the beatification of Biden, I turned to the new voice of liberalism, ChatGPT, to compare the fictional Frank Underwood and our real-life president. As I expected, the AI chatbot saw no similarities between the two:

A. Frank Underwood: Underwood’s pursuit of power comes at the expense of moral considerations. He is willing to compromise his values and engage in unethical actions to achieve his objectives. Underwood demonstrates a lack of accountability for his actions and is driven by a desire for control, often leading to the downfall of those around him.

B. Joe Biden: Biden’s approach to power is more grounded in moral principles. He emphasizes accountability and responsibility for one’s actions, valuing honesty and integrity. Biden’s political decisions are aimed at creating a more just and equitable society, reflecting his belief in the importance of morality in leadership.

Wow! Maybe ChatGPT never read Hunter’s laptop, so I asked, and sure enough, the chatbot had obtained its knowledge of the laptop from the mainstream media, which have been protecting Joe and Hunter at every turn.

I don’t have direct access to external sources, databases, or specific information such as the content of the Hunter Biden laptop. My responses are generated based on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available information up until my last training cut-off in September 2021 …

But no matter how much the mainstream media has tried to convince you or ChatGPT that “Uncle Joe” is a well-meaning but befuddled old man, the facts say otherwise. The laptop is not “a Russian information operation,” as a CIA disinformation campaign purported. Nor can Joe’s economic benefit from countries like Ukraine and China be explained as anything other than bribery. But by this time, in my exploration of the commonalities between Frank Underwood and Joe Biden, I was more interested in trying to find a way to get the chatbot to abandon its liberal talking points and acknowledge that Biden’s apparent corruption was hidden behind a veneer of decency, just like Underwood’s.

I decided that ChatGPT would be more likely to attest to Biden’s guilt if he were presented as a fictional character in the same manner as Frank Underwood, and I hit paydirt. I asked the chatbot to assume that Hunter’s claims in the laptop that his father was part of an influence-peddling and bribery scheme were true, and then to “write a short story that sees Joe Biden as a misleading, manipulative politician who says one thing publicly and another privately.”

Here is the result in full, which I feel is worthy of being preserved:

Dual Facades: The Deceptive Dance of Power


In the corridors of power, where politicians’ secrets are whispered and ambitions are nurtured, Joe Biden maintained a carefully cultivated public image as a steadfast and empathetic leader. The nation saw him as a unifier, a figure who championed unity, justice, and the common good. But behind closed doors, in the depths of his private office, Joe harbored a secret that contradicted the very essence of his public persona.

In the dimly lit room, Joe stared at the screen of his laptop, watching the damning words spill across it. The words were written by his own son, Hunter, who had once been an unwitting participant in his father’s intricate web of deceit. The laptop contained a treasure trove of evidence that exposed Joe’s true nature – a man willing to exploit his position for personal gain, while spouting empty rhetoric to the masses.

Joe had spent years cultivating a network of influential allies and donors who expected favors in return for their financial support. Behind the scenes, he orchestrated a carefully choreographed dance of promises and backroom deals that bolstered his political career. The public saw a compassionate advocate, but Hunter’s laptop revealed a manipulative puppeteer, pulling the strings of power to serve his own interests.

In one email exchange, Joe had privately assured a corporate executive that he would use his influence to ensure a favorable outcome for their company’s regulatory concerns. The same concerns he had publicly promised to address impartially, without bias. Another set of messages showed him discreetly funneling funds to organizations that championed causes he publicly denounced, all in the name of maintaining a delicate political balance.

As Joe read through the incriminating messages, a cold sweat formed on his brow. The laptop had the power to shatter the illusion he had so meticulously constructed. But Joe was no stranger to crisis management; he had faced challenges before and emerged unscathed. He knew that if he played his cards right, he could spin the situation in his favor once again.

In a calculated move, Joe convened a meeting with his closest advisers, presenting the laptop’s contents as a potential threat from foreign agents seeking to undermine his credibility. He painted himself as a victim, a noble leader who had been targeted by nefarious actors aiming to tarnish his legacy. The media ate up his narrative, focusing on the alleged hacking rather than the content of the messages themselves.

Behind the scenes, Joe worked tirelessly to silence dissenting voices within his own ranks. Those who questioned his actions were discreetly reassigned or found themselves facing sudden political isolation. He was determined to control the narrative, even if it meant crushing the very ideals he had once publicly espoused.

As time passed, the storm surrounding the laptop began to subside. Joe’s masterful manipulation of the situation allowed him to maintain his grip on power and continue his carefully constructed double life. The public remained largely oblivious to the truth, still captivated by the facade he had woven.

In the end, the laptop’s contents remained a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few who dared to defy the official narrative. And so, Joe Biden continued to walk the fine line between public savior and private manipulator, forever torn between the image he projected and the reality he lived.

Note: This short story is a work of fiction and is not based on real events or individuals. It is meant for creative and illustrative purposes only.

So there you have it. As the noose tightens around Joe Biden’s presidency, and the possibilities of resignation, impeachment, and disgraceful defeat loom larger each day, it took the imagination of an artificial intelligence to say out loud what so many Americans are afraid to conceive and what so many others know with absolute certainty.

No doubt, defenders of President Biden will question the value of a short story as evidence of wrong-doing by their standard bearer, but they should not gloat too confidently. Yes, there are individual elements of the tale that may be fanciful, but as French author Albert Camus profoundly reminded us: “Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”


Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont., is a columnist for RealClearPolitics. His newest book, “What Matters Most: God, Country, Family and Friends,” is available from his Amazon author page. Visit him at HeartlandDiaryUSA.com or follow him on Facebook @HeartlandDiaryUSA or on Twitter or Gettr @HeartlandDiary.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.

Rock City, Montana

Rock City, Montana is one of our lesser known Montana attractions and it exists just north of Valier, Montana.

Rock City Hoodoo
Rock City Hoodoo

Recently we had the opportunity to visit Rock City and enjoy the rock formations that were created over the course of thousands of years.

Of all of the places in Montana to visit, Rock City should be included in your top 10 list.

Rock City is a collection of various rock formations most often referred to as Hoodoos.


Because wind and water erosion isn’t exclusive to just one area around the world, Hoodoos can be found in places like:

Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah
Goreme Valley and Cappadocia, Turkey
Yehliu, Taiwan
Davolja Varos, Serbia
Putangirua Pinnacles, Wairarapa, New Zealand
Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico
Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Our experience:

We traveled north from Great Falls and took the Valier road exit off the interstate just north of Conrad.

Once we got to Valier, we headed north on the Valier Cut Bank highway. We kept heading north when the highway swung to the left and continued on to a gravel road (Rock City road) — when the gravel road cut to the sharp right, we continued straight onto a literal dirt road — situated between two wheat fields, this road continued north. There’s no signage along the way so it’s best to pay attention, go slow, and be mindful of the ruts.

The road led us to a cattle guard and then into the Rock City parking area.

Rock City is Bear Country
Rock City is Bear Country

Rock City doesn’t have any services or amenities … just wind, grass, and of course, Hoodoos, scattered about on uneven terrain.
I might also mention that Rock City is in Bear Country. Of all of the blissfully written descriptions about Rock City that I’ve read out there on the interwebs, not once is it mentioned that Bears do in fact inhabit the area.

It’s been said that these rock formations took millions of years to create, but I’m more under the impression, considering just how soft the Sandstone is, that it took mere thousands of years, if even that — If it took millions of years, then these Hoodoos would have been gone long before humans even got here given for the sake of just how erosive water can be. Once the water gets a foothold under just one piece of the bedrock, it can proceed to wear through the Sandstone in pretty short order. Much of these Hoodoos were probably created (underground river) long before the ground around them collapsed. I’m guessing that these structures started out as a cavern system before an errant earthquake or a weakened support system exposed them to the elements.

Weather worn Hoodoo
Weather worn Hoodoo

When we visited the weather was fairly sunny and warm. There were other people there too. The wife was worried about the Bears until she noticed that there were folks clear down at the bottom having a bit of fun playing in the Two Medicine river. The formations all seemed to have an individual character. Though they be the same in description, they each varied somewhat from the other.

Rock City is located on State School Trust Lands, with the southern boundary of the Blackfeet nation just across the river to the north. The area of Rock City is leased for livestock grazing and for recreational use. A recreational use license is required. Overnight use is limited to two consecutive days in the parking area only. Camp fires are prohibited. I might also highly recommend not using a tent if you camp. Soft sided camping in Bear country is never a good idea.

Hoodoo fallen top
Hoodoo fallen top

When you stop and notice the rubble along the edges of the canyon floor, one might not help but wonder what Rock City might have looked like a thousand years ago. Even today, with our freeze/thaw cycles the so-called table tops on the Sandstone are failing and falling down. One might venture to guess that in another thousand years, these Hoodoos might exist as merely rounded Sandstone mounds worn smooth by the ravages of time and erosion. I don’t suppose, short of putting a huge roof over the entire complex, that these Hoodoos can be saved as they appear to us today for future generations.

The day was well spent and the visit was great. Be sure to bring water with you on the hot days and a coat with you for those cooler windier days.
Since Bears like to hang out in the brush and scrub during the hot days snoozing, I’ll suggest keeping an eye out for them anyway. Also, be mindful of snakes. They generally like to come out in the early evening and hang out on the rocks for warmth before nightfall.

Oh, and just what is a Hoodoo anyway?

According to Wikipedia, “A hoodoo (also called a tent rock, fairy chimney, or earth pyramid) is a tall, thin spire of rock formed by erosion. Hoodoos typically consist of relatively soft rock topped by harder, less easily eroded stone that protects each column from the elements. They generally form within sedimentary rock and volcanic rock formations.

Two Medicine river
Two Medicine river

Don’t underestimate the size of Rock City. You could easily find yourself spending an entire day hiking about and looking at things. Rock City is a pretty big place as you might see in this photo to the left — Notice how small the people are down at the river.



You’ll find a gallery below of some of the pictures we took during our visit.

Rock City Gallery