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The remarkable and somewhat magical properties of Lavender

Lavender oil is an incredible essential oil that contains a lot of health benefits. This oil is gentle as well as one of the most potent essential oils you can find. This makes lavender essential oil a must in every house due to its remarkable properties!

This oil has more than 150 active components making it useful for many health problems. It has anti-fungal, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, detoxifier, analgesic, antispasmodic, hypotensive, and sedative features.

Researchers from Florida said that lavender oil is effective in lowering anxiety and heart rate in students attending exams. Also, aromatherapy with lavender has been shown to decrease the patient’s stress before they get into surgery.

In fact, some say it’s more effective than massage or even rest. This oil is also helpful in calming labor pain and improving insomnia.

There is some informal evidence that links lavender oil with helping headaches, hangovers, sinus congestion, and it serves as pain relief. And some small clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of the lavender oil in treating anxiety.

The effect of the aromatherapy is considered to be due to the psychological impacts of the scent in combination with physiological effects of volatile oils in the limbic system.

The reason for the widespread use of lavender presumably is the sedative effect that the oil offers. Based on the Hamilton scale, lavender oil lowers anxiety and increases the mood.

Lavender has so many uses that you can even make Lavender Lemonade. No kidding. (recipe below)

Twelve cups of filtered water
A drop of lavender oil
Six peeled and squeezed lemons
For decoration – lavender sprigs

Simply make a mixture of all of the ingredients then allow the drink time to cool. You can add more water if you want.

Other uses

Here are more ways you can use lavender oil to decrease your anxiety, ease a headache, or treat dry skin.

Make yourself a bath and add five or six drops of the oil to treat your dry skin.
Ten or twelve drops diffused in the air will relax you during a busy and stressful day.
To improve your skin and sleep, keep away insects, and relax, you can add two drops of lavender to every ounce of unprocessed organic oil such as olive oil or almond oil.

sourced – Organic Facts, Dr. Axe, Healthline

Fasting: Why the Juice might be worth the Squeeze

Fasting: Why the Juice Is worth the Squeeze

Even though everyone doesn’t realize it, all human beings fast every day. In fact, this is where breakfast gets its name from: breaking your fast from the previous day or night. Of course, there are numerous different types of fasting, including spiritual fasts such as Lent and Ramadan. However, regardless of the kind of fast, it’s always advisable to consult with a doctor or health professional before starting. Individuals with anemia, diabetes, or adrenal fatigue must be particularly careful about choosing the right fast for them (if any fast would be healthy at all).

Studies on mice reveal that fasting slows the growth of cancerous tumors and is “effective at suppressing tumorigenesis in mice genetically predestined to tumor development.” Mice that were more likely to develop tumors due to mutated genes were less likely to develop them when they were on a program of fasting. What’s more, research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that after 8 weeks of fasting, weight, body fat, total cholesterol, and blood pressure are reduced.

Please read the list below to learn about more specific types of fasting.

The Warrior Diet

This involves fasting during the day and then eating a large meal at night. Fitness expert Ori Hofmekler is a proponent; eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables is still permissible throughout the day, as long as the only feast occurs within a 4-hour nightly eating window. Checkout the paleo diet to focus on whole, unprocessed foods.

Juice fast

It’s possible to obtain all nutritional needs from juice and water only. However, you do need to consume a wide variety of the right kinds of liquids.

Spontaneous meal skipping

This involves skipping meals whenever it’s convenient and manageable to do so. Basically, followers of this philosophy believe that starvation mode is a myth, and that as long as you consume healthy foods whenever you do eat, then skipping a meal every once in a while is an ideal way to reduce calorie intake.

Alternate day fasting

To adhere to this fast, don’t eat for 24 hours, and then eat regular meals the next day. This can be a difficult fast to follow, to say the least.

Cleansing fast

This calls for liquid drinks containing lemon juice, simple sugar, cayenne pepper, and other spices if desired. This fast will cleanse the colon of toxins if 6 to 12 drinks are consumed on a daily, regular basis. Do consult a professional to learn the right time period for you.

16-hour fasting

Pick an 8 hour time period for eating, but don’t consume any calories during the other 16 hours of the day.

20-hour fasting

Choose a 20 hour time frame for eating, and refrain from taking in calories outside of this window.

The 5:2 diet

This involves fasting for 2 days each week; the 5:2 diet requires standard eating for 5 days and calories restriction (500 to 600) for 2 days (all out of a 7-day period).

Multiple day fasting

Fasting for more than two days demands adequate and proper preparation. Begin with a juice fast a day in advance, but do consult a doctor or a health professional to ensure you don’t attempt to fast too long.

Religious fasting

As alluded to, many fasts are related to religion, spirituality, or ritual. The Daniel Fast is modeled after the book of Daniel in the Bible, and the Jewish Tzomot involves seven different religious fasts over a 365 day period. Ramadan spans an entire month, and food can only be consumed during nighttime.

Keep in mind that research in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests that fasts do not normally result in counterproductive binge-eating. In fact, 25 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio three days each week is usually enough to make fasting manageable.

Sourced – HealthLine, LiveStrong, PowerofPositivity

Top 10 Rancher’s famous last words

10 – Leave the gate open — the cows won’t bother you.

9 – That horse doesn’t have an ounce of buck left in him.

8 – Don’t weaken and that old cow will turn back.

7 – This market still has some life in it — believe I’ll hold off on selling for a few more days.

6 – Been driving through this wet spot for 20 years and haven’t been stuck once.

5 – There’s no way in creation that bull can go over that fence.

4 – No rain in the forecast so just leave the pickup out in the field.

3 – You can run a good 200 miles after the fuel gauge says empty.

2 – Just stand your ground and that dog won’t bite.

1 – Now watch — if you get right up close behind a calf you won’t get … ^#$%!

The untold truth of the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers

Of all the typical Plains tribes, the Cheyenne were most distinguished for warlike qualities.

Few in number, they overcame or held in check most of the peoples who opposed them, and when the westward movement of European civilization began, they made more trouble than all the rest combined.

In short, they were preeminently warriors among peoples whose trade was war.

As in other Plains tribes, the warriors of the Cheyenne were organized into societies or orders.

These societies were fraternal, military, and semi-religious organizations with special privileges, duties, and dress, usually tracing their origin to some mythical culture hero or medicine man.

Each society had its own songs and secret ritual and exacted certain observances and standards of its members.

Of these organizations, none played such a part in the history of the Plains as the “Dog Soldiers” of the Cheyenne.

See video:

The Untold Truth Of The Cheyenne Dog Soldiers!


The Cheyenne were the most infamous tribe on the American plains – when they were only fighting other tribes, they overwhelmed them, even though the Cheyenne were almost always outnumbered by the other tribes in the Plains; and when it came to the fight against the European civilization, no tribe was as tough to beat as the Cheyenne. In short, they were a people born and bred for war.


One crisp winter morning in Sweden

One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named Greta woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth.

She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverized with rocks.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“Pulverized willow bark,” replied her fairy godmother.

“What happened to the carpet?” she asked.

“The carpet was nylon, which is made from butadiene and hydrogen cyanide, both made from petroleum,” came the response.

Greta smiled, acknowledging that adjustments are necessary to save the planet, and moved to the sink to brush her teeth where instead of a toothbrush, she found a willow, mangled on one end to expose wood fibre bristles.

“Your old toothbrush?” noted her godmother, “Also nylon.”

“Where’s the water?” asked Greta.

“Down the road in the canal,” replied her godmother, ‘Just make sure you avoid water with cholera in it”

“Why’s there no running water?” Greta asked, becoming a little peevish.

“Well,” said her godmother, who happened to teach engineering at MIT, “Where do we begin?” There followed a long monologue about how sink valves need elastomer seats and how copper pipes contain copper, which has to be mined and how it’s impossible to make all-electric earth-moving equipment with no gear lubrication or tires and how ore has to be smelted to a make metal, and that’s tough to do with only electricity as a source of heat, and even if you use only electricity, the wires need insulation, which is petroleum-based, and though most of Sweden’s energy is produced in an environmentally friendly way because of hydro and nuclear, if you do a mass and energy balance around the whole system, you still need lots of petroleum products like lubricants and nylon and rubber for tires and asphalt for filling potholes and wax and iPhone plastic and elastic to hold your underwear up while operating a copper smelting furnace and . . .

“What’s for breakfast?” interjected Greta, whose head was hurting.

“Fresh, range-fed chicken eggs,” replied her godmother. “Raw.”

“How so, raw?” inquired Greta.

“Well, . . .” And once again, Greta was told about the need for petroleum products like transformer oil and scores of petroleum products essential for producing metals for frying pans and in the end was educated about how you can’t have a petroleum-free world and then cook eggs. Unless you rip your front fence up and start a fire and carefully cook your egg in an orange peel like you do in Boy Scouts. Not that you can find oranges in Sweden anymore.

“But I want poached eggs like my Aunt Tilda makes,” lamented Greta.

“Tilda died this morning,” the godmother explained. “Bacterial pneumonia.”

“What?!” interjected Greta. “No one dies of bacterial pneumonia! We have penicillin.”

“Not anymore,” explained godmother “The production of penicillin requires chemical extraction using isobutyl acetate, which, if you know your organic chemistry, is petroleum-based. Lots of people are dying, which is problematic because there’s not any easy way of disposing of the bodies since backhoes need hydraulic oil and crematoriums can’t really burn many bodies using as fuel Swedish fences and furniture, which are rapidly disappearing – being used on the black market for roasting eggs and staying warm.”

This represents only a fraction of Greta’s day, a day without microphones to exclaim into and a day without much food, and a day without carbon-fibre boats to sail in, but a day that will save the planet.

Tune in tomorrow when Greta needs a root canal and learns how Novocain is synthesized.

sourced – Eddie Peters – Perth, Western Australia — Tilburg-Netherlands