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Meet Eli – The next generation of personal vehicles

The Eli ZERO is touted to be a better alternative to conventional cars in the urban setting.

See video:


Eli doesn’t boast of it’s range, but instead offers up the advantages of urban use. Short hops if you will. It’s top speeds are around 25-35 mph which makes it perfectly suited for city or interior urban travel.

It’s charging times aren’t off the clock either. Plug it in to 110 or 240 at night and in the morning you can run your errands with 60 miles max range per charge.

Eli also has an optional battery heating system that significantly enhances overall battery performance in the winter time and in cold climates.

Eli also comes with a compact and streamlined design along with glass doors that provides expanded viewing angles. The compact and streamlined design along with glass doors provides expanded viewing angles for maximum visibility.

Eli also comes with Heat and Cool AC.

I know it looks a little odd, but considering it’s size and related abilities, with it’s short charge times, and being promoted for pretty much only city driving, I think this is a pretty cool little rig.

If you’re interested in getting one of your own, you’ll be happy to know that Eli is bringing their pint-sized EV to the United States, and you can reserve yours today for just $200 (fully refundable). At $11,990, the Eli Zero is pretty affordable, too. Deliveries are slated for Q3 2024, so you won’t have to wait too long if you get your order in.

In Europe, they’re called quadricycles, and in the U.S. they fall under the low-speed vehicle (LSV) category.

The Eli Zero has compact dimensions of 88.6 inches in length, 54.3 inches in width and 64.4 inches in height. It rides on 165/65 R13 tires with alloy rims. The wheelbase measures 63 inches, while the track width is 45.67 inches. It has a seating capacity for two occupants and offers 5.65 cubic feet of trunk space for storage.

You can learn more about this tiny EV by visiting the Eli website here: https://www.eli.world/eli-zero

The Haircut

A guy walked into a barbershop and sat in the chair.

The barber asked, “Are you going anywhere on vacation this year?”

The guy replied, “Yes actually, my wife and I are going to Italy.”

The barber said, “Why you going there? It’s rubbish!”

“Well, the weather is supposed to be nice,” answered the guy.

The barber replied, “Well, when me and my wife went to Italy a few years ago it pissed down rain every day we were there.”

The guy said, “Well, I hear the food is nice.”

The barber laughed. “When me and the wife went the stuff they gave us was almost inedible.”

The guy said, “Um, well, we’d really like to see the Roman architecture.”

“You’ll be lucky,” said the barber. “They’re doing the place up. Tarpaulin and scaffolding everywhere. Can’t see a thing!”

Frustrated, the guy turned to him and said, “Okay mate, I’ll square it with you. The wife and I, we’re Catholic. And we’d really like to go to the Vatican and see the Pope.”

The barber quickly answer. “Well, me and the wife are also Catholic. And we wanted to see the Pope too. But when we went to St Peter’s Square, we were crammed in l with a million other Catholics and when he was on the balcony, all you could see was the tip of his hat. Honestly. Don’t go to Italy.”

A month passed and the guy returned to the barbershop and sat in the same chair.

The barber said, “Oh yeah, weren’t you the guy who was going to Italy?”

“Yes I am,” replied the guy. “And I have some issues to raise with you. Firstly, the sun was splitting the trees every day, the weather was amazing.

Secondly, the food, pizza, and pasta was incredible.

Thirdly, you said we wouldn’t be able to see the Roman architecture. In fact, we could touch it. It was astounding to be so close to ancient history.”

“Ah,” said the barber, “but did you see the Pope?”

“Well yes,” said the guy. “We did go to St. Peter’s Square and we were crammed in there with a million other Catholics, and when the Pope came out all we could see was the tip of his hat.

We were disappointed. But then his hands came out over the balcony and pointed to our section of the crowd, and everyone began murmuring and I was like, ‘What’s going on?!’

Then the Pope came out into the square flanked by his Swiss Guard and he began his making way into the crowd, which parted before him like the Red Sea.

The crowd began to grow excited and I could see he was coming in our direction.

Then suddenly the folks in front of us moved and there was the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, standing before us, looking at ME!

Then the Holy Father himself reached out, gently took my hand and gazing at me intently he asked, ‘Who the FUCK cut your hair?’”

RC DeWinter

Everything that might be wrong with this country in one photo

When I logged into the interwebs this morning I was confronted with a dirty grill, raw meat, and a lot of sharp witty commentary about one of our older than dirt national politicians.

Apparently, in an effort to relate to Fathers on Fathers day, Chuck Schumer thought that it might be nice to do a photo op of him grilling some burgers.

Chuck Schumer - Happy Fathers Day
Chuck Schumer – Happy Fathers Day

Long story short, his attempt to relate fell somewhat short of whatever it was he was trying to convey.

It’s okay Chuck, I get it. But I was sort of thinking that maybe next time you could get an intern that really does know how to grill (the cheese atop the raw meat is rather telling). It might save you some embarrassment in the long run.

I don’t care that Chuck has probably never cooked an actual meal on his own his entire life, but what I do care about is just how seemingly out of touch some folks are that do all of the bidding for our politicians. I hardly think that standing in front of a filthy cold grill full of cold uncooked raw meet was Chucks idea. Someone, somewhere, had to have put him up to it, and poor old gullible Chuck obliged.

You can tell a lot about a nation by who it puts into office. The sort of people that voted for Chuck is evident in this failed photo op. Voters will swallow whatever they’re told .. it doesn’t have to be true or make sense because after all, they saw it on TV or the internet.

Usually when I, or anyone else for that matter, attempts to try something new, there’s a bit of research done before hand. I mean, no one want’s to come off looking like a boob in front of all of their buddies … right?

I think this whole business of trying to relate is a noble endeavor. We want to be validated, acknowledged, accepted, and so on and so forth.

Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own little bubbles that any semblance of normalcy can become non-existent.

Our politicians seem to depend too much on the electorate being too stupid to know the difference. From setting up the fly rod wrong, to wearing cowboy hats backwards, and yes Chuck, even to your misadventures in grilling.

You guys are really going to have to do better.

The Solway Firth Spaceman: One of the most interesting images ever taken

More than 50 years ago, more precisely in May of 1964, a man called Jim Templeton snapped an image that would soon become one of the most mysterious images ever photographed.

In May of 1964, Jim Templeton, his wife, and daughter spent the day at the Solway Fjord in northwest England.

Jim was a photography enthusiast, and like all new parents, his main motivation was his daughter Elizabeth, five years old at the time.

That afternoon he took three photos, and when he went to reveal them, he found that the best picture of his daughter had been ruined because someone had appeared walking behind.

The only problem was, there was no one there.

Jim was entirely sure that the three of them were alone that day. So, who or what was the mysterious figure seen behind his daughter?

The curious photograph was published in a local newspaper in Cumberland on June 12 of that same year, and the next day, it was also picked up by the Daily Mirror and Daily Express.

As expected, it soon attracted the attention of all kinds of curious people, ufologists, and paranormal investigators who were trying to solve the mystery surrounding the photograph.

Following the publication of the image in various newspapers, a number of different theories were proposed. However, none of them seemed to satisfy.

One of the strangest theories proposed had Aliens written all over it.

One theory suggested that an alien spacecraft had landed near them and that both the ship itself and the aliens were protected by some sort of cloaking device, which made them imperceptible to human eyes but not to the camera.

The Alien theory developed and quickly turned into a conspiracy theory.

Some reports suggest that soon after the image was published in newspapers, Mr. Templeton was visited by the mysterious Men in Black, who asked him to take them to the exact area where the events took place.

Templeton explained later that the two men who had visited him refused to show their identification and that “They said they worked for the government and that they were only identified by number.”

After taking the men to the site where the photographs were taken, Templeton said that when he explained he had not seen the figure at the time, the men became angry and drove away, leaving him to walk home.

In September 1964, Templeton dismissed the two men as frauds, saying: “It all looks like a leg pull to me. I’m sure the men were not security agents.”

Trying to solve the mystery, Jim took the photograph and the negative to Kodak, so they could check the original had been manipulated in any way or contained a photographic error of some sort.

However, all attempts to explain the mystery figure were in vain, and tests showed that the photograph was authentic, and had not been manipulated.

The photographic company even offered a prize of free movies for life to that person who managed to prove otherwise.

Let it be known, the prize has not been claimed, but more than fifty years after the event took place, a few people remain interested in this mystery.

In 2014, UFO author David Clarke explained that the mysterious figure standing behind Jim’s daughter was most likely Templeton’s wife, Annie, who was present at the time and was seen on other photographs that were taken that day.

“I think for some reason his wife walked into the shot, and he didn’t see her because with that particular make of camera you could only see 70% of what was in the shot through the viewfinder”, said Clarke.

Annie Templeton was wearing a pale blue dress on the day in question, which was overexposed as white in the other photos; she also had dark bobbed hair.

It has been argued that, when using photo software to darken the image and straighten the horizon, the figure increasingly appears to be a regular person viewed from behind.

Of its impact, Clarke said: “People will still be talking about it in another 50 years.”

A Winter Storm Watch is in effect for Monday and Tuesday – June 17-18

It looks like we might be in for a soaker on Monday and Tuesday this coming week.

The first day of Summer is next Thursday and it looks as if Spring still sort of wants to hang on for a bit.

A Pacific trough and a cold front will be moving into Montana on Saturday.

A WINTER STORM WATCH has been issued for a lot of the mountains in Montana for Monday and Tuesday. Up to 5″ of snow is possible at pass level and up to 20″ of snow is possible in the mountains, including in Glacier National Park. A little bit of snow accumulation is also possible this weekend as the front begins to move through.

According to the National Weather Service:

Tuesday – Rain likely. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 54.
Tuesday night – A chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 39.

Local showers may stick around after Tuesday, but temps will improve during the day.

Wednesday – A slight chance of rain. Mostly sunny, with a high near 65.
Wednesday night – A slight chance of rain. Partly cloudy, with a low around 41.

For those of us that won’t be getting any snow, the National Weather Service in Great Falls had this to say:

Increasing potential (50%) for widespread rainfall amounts up to or exceeding 1 inch for most areas north of I-90 Monday through Wednesday.

Snow levels will be around 6,000 feet by Sunday night, but these may lower further down to 5,000 feet. Winter Storm Watches will be in effect starting Monday evening for the mountains along the divide and in southwest Montana where 4-14″+ appear possible.

The National Weather Service advises:

Be prepared for raw backcountry conditions during this time period.