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GFPS releases general guidelines for athletic events

While some school districts in the state are not allowing spectators at school related athletic events, Great Falls Public Schools has decided to allow for some spectators to attend according to the recently released guidelines.

Below you’ll find the portion of the guidelines that allows for spectators.

During this time of the COVID-19 outbreak and the resultant shut downs, we recognize the need to put extra-curricular activities in the proper perspective. Further, as we have throughout the length of the outbreak, we will continue to solicit and adhere to the directives and recommendations put forth by our local County Health Department, Board of Trustees, Superintendent of Schools and Governor. Given the MHSA’s decision to offer opportunities for fall athletes, we are issuing the following proposal for the management of events/competitions hosted by GFPS in local facilities.


1. Each participant in uniform will be issued 3 passes to be distributed to parents/family members that can be used to gain admittance to the contest.

2. Passes will be numbered and recorded upon completion of the screening process prior to entry.

3. Passes will be valid for the entire season with the exception of play off contests.

4.Covid protocols and expectations will be printed on the back of the pass along with an acknowledgement of the inherit risk associated with attendance of the event.

5. Visiting fans will not be admitted to events except for cross town events in which both groups of fans will be allowed to utilize their provided passes, but seating arrangement will be separated.

This policy will be reviewed periodically throughout the season to determine whether or not it is reasonable to allowed limited number of visiting spectators.


Thain Creek Campground

Drove up to the Thain Creek Campground only to discover it was closed — Covid I guess.

Though we couldn’t get into the campground we had a bit of fun anyway. This was Dustin’s first time at Thain Creek so we made the best of it.

Though the campground was closed, it didn’t stop folks from camping along the road leading up to the gate.


Nasa selects lunar optimized Starship

NASA selected SpaceX to develop a lunar optimized Starship to transport crew between lunar orbit and the surface of the Moon as part of NASA’s Artemis program.

A lunar optimized Starship can fly many times between the surface of the Moon and lunar orbit without flaps or heat shielding required for Earth return. With large habitable and storage volume, Starship is capable of delivering significant amounts of cargo for research and to support robust operations on the lunar surface to enable a sustainable Moon base.

Last year, NASA announced Starship as eligible for the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative – to deliver payloads between Earth and the Moon, and to enable humans to return to the Moon.

sourced – SpaceX

Linux Mint 20 is 64-bit only

Since the EOL (end of life) of Windows 7, Linux Mint has been the go-to operating system for most who would prefer not to purchase another of Windows operating systems, namely the clunky and albeit ever-so-buggy Windows 10.

For those who aren’t readily familiar with Mint, you might describe it as a cross between Windows XP and Windows 7, but without all of the associated drama that the Windows operating systems have become so known for over the years.

Linux Mint is great operating system. It is based on the excellent Ubuntu and features three great desktop environment options — Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce. While it is a smart choice for Linux beginners, it is also good for experts too.

Today, we learn some new details about the upcoming Linux Mint 20. While most of the newly revealed information is positive, there is one thing that is sure to upset many Linux Mint users.

First things first, Linux Mint 20 will be based on the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as Mint only uses Long Term Support versions of Ubuntu, and 20.04 will be an LTS. We also now know the name of Linux Mint 20. The Mint team always uses female names, and this time they chose “Ulyana.” This is apparently a Russian name meaning “youthful.”

So far, all of the news is positive, so what exactly will upset some users? The Linux Mint developers are finally dropping 32-bit support and will only produce 64-bit ISOs. In 2020, this is definitely the right move, but it will certainly upset those that are still holding onto aging 32-bit computers.

Are you a Linux Mint user? Are you excited for the upcoming Linux Mint 20 Ulyana? Are you upset that 32-bit support is being dropped? Please tell me in the comments bellow.

The Oxford Saloon in Missoula, Montana

The Oxford Saloon in Missoula has been open since 1883 and has been open 24 hours a day for decades.

The Oxford has been around since before Grandad was riding around the mean dirt streets of Helena on horseback. The Oxford was open while my Great Grandad was roaming about between the Helena Valley and Elliston. We can even somewhat surmise that the Oxford might even be older than dirt when you stop to consider the generations of Montanan’s that have come and gone since it’s opening.

The Oxford is known far and wide in the Treasure State and beyond.

I’ve been in the Oxford at 2 in the afternoon, and at 2 in the morning. It’s a pretty hopping place during homecoming as well, with tipsy college kids milling about looking for a neat snack.

When Covid came around, the Oxford, like all restaurants in Missoula were told to close their dining room during the closures, and they were happy to oblige but they couldn’t find the keys, so being since this is Montana, a simple hand written closed sign was hung on the door instead.

As an aside … One of my dear followers on the Twitters pointed out the fact that the Oxford did change their locks in order to accommodate the Covid closure mandates — However, it took the Oxford a few days or so to do it because everybody was closed due to the mandates .. in the meantime, a simple “closed” sign was posted initially.

The Oxford Saloon & Cafe, located in the heart of downtown Missoula was established in 1883 and is open 24 hours a day, all through the year.

The Ox has been open 24 hours a day for so many years that there are no keys for the entrances.

The Ox, as it is affectionately referred to by locals, has been highlighted in several national publications throughout the years as a “must see”.

It will surely prove to be one of the most interesting stops for any visitor passing through Western Montana.

The patrons are an eclectic mix: from local businessmen grabbing lunch to cowboys and bikers.

Locally it is known for gambling machines 7 days a week and its extensive menu including their infamous gigantic 1/2 lb Ox burgers, 1lb rib-eye steak dinners and chicken fried steak with JJ’s special gravy.

The Oxford Saloon

The Ox is located at: 337 N. Higgins Ave. (Corner Higgins & Pine) Missoula, Montana

View the menu online at: https://the-oxford.com/menu/

Have any interesting stories or memories of the Ox to share?

Sound off in the comment section below.

Thanks for the read.

Happy Trails